America’s Most Fascinating Presidential Estates 

Typically when we think of U.S. Presidents, we focus on their contributions to our country and their political stances. However, these are also people that lived their own personal lives as well, and President’s Day is a good chance to remember this. In fact, many presidents lived interesting lives, and this can be seen from many of their elaborate estates. You can still visit many of these places today, so here are some of the most fascinating presidential estates that you can check out. 

FDR’s Hyde Park Estate (New York) 

One of the most accessible presidential estates is Franklin D. Roosevelt’s Hyde Park estate in New York. This is because the property is now maintained by the National Park Service, and features a library that was built and later passed off to the government. The home is essentially a museum now, where you can learn about the many quirks of FDR’s personal life through many interactive displays. 

George Washington’s Mount Vernon Estate (Virginia) 

The Mount Vernon estate of the first American president is perhaps one of the most common presidential homes. Perhaps what makes this place so fascinating is the intersection that exists between it and many significant events in early American history. The estate has been very well preserved, and if you visit you will feel like you’ve taken a step into a time machine. 

Thomas Jefferson’s Monticello Estate (Virginia) 

You know, the one that is on the 10 dollar bill. Out of any presidential estate in the country, Monticello may just be the most physically scenic, with its gorgeous mountain backdrop, unique architecture and vast gardens. It is also relatively massive even in comparison to other estates, so make sure you reserve lots of time to take in all that this historical landmark has to offer.